
Gem Dom Pg.16

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    1. Well, personally, I like to imagine Peridot sitting in the room all tied-up with a leash (as per Pearl’s idea in “Catch and Release”) and is forced to watch.


      1. maybe peri masterbating to the sounds from the CG’s little teaching session, feeling herself up while thinking about something raunchy about the homeworld squad…
        (coughh jasper and yd)

  1. 1: Doxy, this is amazing. And Pearl’s lines are just… Wow.

    2: speaking of lines.. I noticed a grammatical error lol “this feelings”

    Keep up the good work, man!!

  2. Hi doxy big fan of your work but this idea just popped inside my head for how the rest of the comic should go when Amethyst and Garnet are fucking Pearl. Pearl then says”FUCK YEA THIS IS SO AMAZING!” Amethyst then says “Damn this girl is going crazy” Garnet does a serious glare and says”Amethyst you know what to do” Amethyst replies”Yes!” They both take their dicks out of Pearl, Pearl then looks confuse and wondering what’s happening she looks up to see Garnet and Amethyst together. Suddenly a huge blast of light emerged from the two gems. The light fades away and Pearl looks up to see Sugalite (she shouldn’t look like a giant though) that’s when Sugalite summons a huge fat cock. Pearl then says “Please don’t I beg you” Sugalite smiles and glare at Pearl she grabs her arms and legs with her four arms then Sugalite pulls Pearl down on top of her cock and puts it in her. Pearl screams and Sugalite then says “What? This what you wanted right?!?!” (Then you could make some sex poses of both of them) Thats when Sugalite releases a huge storm of cum inside Pearl, cum then gets inside Pearl’s stomach and comes out of her mouth too. After that Garnet and Amethyst seperates and Garnet then says”I think she learned her lesson” looking at Pearl surrounded by a huge puddle of cum. That’s when a strange voice emerges and says”Is to late to join in?” Thats when it’s shown the fusion of Steven and Connie with a cock. The End?
    Sorry I made it so specific I just really want to see it.

  3. Reply to aurthor: I’m glad to hear that. Apologizes for the late reply’s I haven’t been checking up on the Gem dom comic. If you want there is a couple of comments I made about Peridot and Greg on pages fourteen and fifteen.

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